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Fiandre Bibshorts and Bibtights
Specialist winter cycling clothing for maximum protection combined with the best breathability to face the worst weather situations on your cycling adventures.
9 Products found
The special NoRain treatment directly applied on the yearn makes the Fiandre Bibtight one of the best products to face rainy, winter, conditions. This special bibtight, thanks to the use of the TC PRO seat pad, represent the best match of comfort and performance; and will assure you the maximum waterproofing experience thanks to the reversed zippers at the ankle made with polyurethane coating.
The special NoRain treatment directly applied on the yearn makes the Fiandre W Bibtight one of the best products to face rainy, winter, conditions. This special bibtight, thanks to the use of the TC PRO W seat pad, represent the best match of comfort and performance; and will assure you the maximum waterproofing experience thanks to the reversed zippers at the ankle made with polyurethane coating.
Short in NoRain Thermal fabric to protect you from rain and wind while providing maximum stretch and freedom of movement. Designed and tested with the pros on the roads of the northern classics.
Short in NoRain Thermal fabric to protect you from rain and wind while providing maximum stretch and freedom of movement. Designed and tested with the pros on the roads of the northern classics.
The perfect short to protect you from light rain. Built specifically to prevent water penetration, with specially designed protection in the most vulnerable areas.
The perfect thermal short for a dry day, but also awesome in the rain.
A tight that really is suitable for any winter conditions. The Polartec® NeoShell® membrane is used in strategic areas to provide maximum protection and stretch. The tight features thicker fabric on the legs and lighter fabric on the upper part to better accommodate the warmth of a winter jacket.
Brushed NoRain Thermal fabric has a proprietary nanotechnology treatment. This new version has stronger bibs that are now black. Highly breathable, this tight will keep you from overheating on dry days, and its water repellency will keep out light rain, wet snow and road spray. In the wettest conditions, it won’t soak up water and will keep you warmer.
Brushed NoRain Thermal fabric has a proprietary nanotechnology treatment. This new version has now stronger, black bibs. Highly breathable, this tight will keep you from overheating on dry days, and its water repellency will keep out light rain, wet snow and road spray. In the wettest conditions, it won’t soak up water and will keep you warmer.