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99 Produits trouvés
Née pour accompagner les cyclistes de demain, la veste Neo Junior reprend toutes les propriétés techniques de la version adulte avec des proportions revues. Fabriquée en tissu SoftShell, cette veste permet aux jeunes cyclistes d'aborder leurs premiers kilomètres même dans les conditions météorologiques les plus défavorables.
The kid's version of the official Flanders Classics Jersey
This short offers prime features such as the multi-density Bodyfit Pro MD Seatpad and the silicone injected grip on the raw cut leg ending to ensure you outstanding comfort and performance.
De Ronde Jersey is ready to go on cobblestones rides with you. Featuring breathable materials and racing cut it will become your go to jersey for the most rewarding efforts.
Can a lightweight vest protect you better than a heavier one? We've shown that it can, with the new Pro Vest, developed with pro athletes to provide the best front and side protection in a vest that is extremely compactible and easy to stow in a jersey pocket.
Stay protected with Sportful SB 25 ARMWARMERS, ideal for gravel and road cycling
The exclusive jersey designed for Strade Bianche 2024 captures the essence of an event that is bound to leave lasting memories for each participant. It symbolizes our deep passion for cycling, reminiscent of the imprints of any bike on the course, whether it's a road or gravel bike. Crafted from lightweight polyester with a breathable microstructure, this jersey is an ideal choice for embracing every cycling adventure.
Vestibilità: REGULAR
Le nouveau maillot thermique pour les plus jeunes cyclistes, réalisé en tissu extensible brossé et reprenant dans les moindres détails la technicité de la version adulte.
Un maillot cycliste d'hiver graphique en tissu de polyester brossé pour conserver au maximum la chaleur tout en assurant une sensation de confort et de chaleur maximale sur le vélo.
Lightweight, comfortable, durable, and quick-drying. The perfect breathable sock for outings in fine weather.
A glove with a classic style, designed to minimize weight and ensure breathability and ventilation even on the hottest days.
High-performance cycling bibshort for road racing in the Dolomites
Thermal warmers featuring ThermoDrytex technology for the right balance between weather protection and comfort.