Our designers and experts will be ready to help you develop your custom cycling kit.

By working closely with professional cyclists and drawing on our experience gained from more than 50 years in the sector, we've developed a range of custom and tailor-made products just for you. In fact, you'll be able to create your own custom kit by personalising it with your team's graphics and colours by following all the phases of the design, development and construction process with the help of our graphic designers.
Choosing which garment to customise can be complicated, which is why we recommend that you explore our collection specifically designed for custom designs. By downloading the workbook below, you'll be able to get an idea of which garments you can customise and already start designing your project. Don't worry! Creating a custom kit is easier than it seems, as you'll have an experienced dedicated designer to guide you through the creation of the garment step by step.
If you already have the design in mind for the project you'd like to create, just download the design template and devise your proposal inspired by the garments and technical characteristics in the workbook.

Now that you've created your design, all you have to do is send it to us. Fill out the form below: your custom cycling kit is ready to be created.