Une veste compacte à porter sur soi en permanence. Coupe-vent, déperlante : la veste polyvalente qui vous permet de ne pas être pris au dépourvu.
79,90 € 51,94 €
Promo 35%
- Tissu très extensible, compressif et résistant à l'abrasion
- Poches cargo en filet sur la jambe gauche et le bas du dos
- Éléments réfléchissants pour une meilleure visibilité à l'aube et au crépuscule
- Design anatomique pour un plus grand confort et une meilleure circulation de l'air
- La peau de chamois DMS sèche rapidement et offre un bon soutien, sans être gênante
- Route
Voici ce que nos clients en pensent
1 Commentaires
Take it everywhere jacket
This is a great jacket that can be useful in many situations and is so light and compact it is barely noticed in my jersey pocket. Great for a cold morning start, for the descent after a long climb or if rain is possible during the ride. It is designed to be close fitting and where I usually wear a medium Sportful jersey, I went for a size large in this jacket and it is a perfect fit (I'm 5'10 155 lbs). The quality of materials and assembly are excellent and it also looks great.
Take it everywhere jacket
This is a great jacket that can be useful in many situations and is so light and compact it is barely noticed in my jersey pocket. Great for a cold morning start, for the descent after a long climb or if rain is possible during the ride. It is designed to be close fitting and where I usually wear a medium Sportful jersey, I went for a size large in this jacket and it is a perfect fit (I'm 5'10 155 lbs). The quality of materials and assembly are excellent and it also looks great.