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Cross Country Ski Sale
Our selection of Sportful garments at special prices.
141 Products found
A short-sleeve ski jacket in Polartec® Alpha® which ensures excellent temperature and moisture regulation. The design and materials of this garment allow it to be extremely packable, perfect for warm-up and post-training chill.
Warm and versatile neck warmer, made with two reversible fabrics. You can choose to show off the graphic or the solid color. The perfect accessory for any outfit.
A short-sleeve ski jacket in Polartec® Alpha® which ensures excellent temperature and moisture regulation. The design and materials of this garment allow it to be extremely packable, perfect for warm-up and post-training chill.
A pair of cross-country skiing pants that, together with the Apex Jersey, provide an excellent alternative for racing and training to the full Apex Suit.
Rytmo Jacket is our versatile windproof thermal jacket. Thanks to its unique construction and the use of 60 g Thermore® Ecodown insulation and breathable fabrics in strategic locations, it’s perfect both for hard training sessions in very cold conditions and for endurance activities in moderate conditions. It strikes an excellent balance that works in many different situations: it’s a must if you have to choose just one jacket.
The Apex Jersey is the most technical and ergonomic ski jersey in the range, developed over years of experience alongside the world's top cross-country skiers.
A jersey for high-intensity activity and training, with a regular, comfortable fit for a modern look. For those who want to get serious on the trail without giving up their style.
A printed polyester tight that combines warmth and stretch for great versatility in use, from racing to training.
Rytmo Jacket is our versatile windproof thermal jacket. Thanks to its unique construction and the use of 60 g Thermore® Ecodown insulation and breathable fabrics in strategic locations, it’s perfect both for hard training sessions in very cold conditions and for endurance activities in moderate conditions. It strikes an excellent balance that works in many different situations: it’s a must if you have to choose just one jacket.
The Cardio Jacket provides an extra layer to shield the body from the wind while preventing excessive heat loss. The water resistance treatment in the front and on the shoulders is an additional touch, making this jacket the perfect choice for a wide range of conditions.
Race cap made with stretch fabric and lined for increased protection, enabling use even in colder temperatures.
The suit for training or racing, for future champions. The same construction as the adult version, adapted to a child’s anatomy.
Race cap made with stretch fabric and lined for increased protection, enabling use even in colder temperatures.
Mid-weight headband to keep your forehead and ears warm during physical activity.
Race cap made with stretch fabric and lined for increased protection, enabling use even in colder temperatures.