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Women's Cycling Sale
Save up to 50% on our cycling collection! Explore unbeatable deals and start building your cycling outfit today
214 Products found
Glove with a warm GORE-TEX INFINIUM™ back, fleece-lined palm and dialed-in fit.
A warm bootie that really shines in the rain by offering maximum protection combined with the extra comfort of the high stretch provided by neoprene.
A gravel short devoted to comfort and to supporting you on any type of adventure or journey you want to tackle.
A compactable jacket to always carry with you. Windproof, water-repellent: the all-rounder that keeps you from being caught unprepared.
Constructed with the same attention as adult shorts. Featuring great fit, comfort, durability and performance.
Thermal warmers featuring ThermoDrytex technology for the right balance between weather protection and comfort.
Thermal warmers featuring ThermoDrytex technology for the right balance between weather protection and comfort.
A compactable vest to always carry with you. Windproof, water-repellent: the all-rounder that keeps you from being caught unprepared.
Thermal warmers featuring ThermoDrytex technology for the right balance between weather protection and comfort.
Compression knee-length socks. Through compression and temperature maintenance, they will help your legs recover after a long day on the bike.
A shoe-cover that's aerodynamic but also ready to protect you from rain and wind if needed.
Our best socks for racing.
A merino wool sock that offers excellent thermal isulation in cold temperatures without feeling too hot in milder temperatures.
Simply put, our best glove for bad weather.
The thermal protection of Sportful gloves, applied to the off-road world.
A gavel specific thermal bootie, featuring a soft and warm windproof fabric and high visibility details
The all-purpose bootie that offers the warmth of SoftShell and the stretch of neoprene.
A merino wool sock that offers excellent thermal isulation in cold temperatures without feeling too hot in milder temperatures.
The first short, recommended for those beginning to learn about the world of cycling. Designed to adapt perfectly to the anatomy of the littlest ones.
A jersey with a fashion-oriented approach. The jersey features a feminine cut, superior fabrics and raw-cut sleeve ends.
The race short par excellence. It's not easy to combine maximum freedom of movement and extreme comfort for long hours in the saddle. But with the TC Pro W seat pad, the AeroFlow fabric and many tricks learned over the years in the pro cycling world, this short has succeeded.