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Cross-Country Skiing Clothing
157 Products found
Pant in Gore-Tex Infinium™ Windstopper® to protect the child from the elements without compromising range of motion or the ability to ski with absolute comfort and freedom.
A garment with a simple cut and technical features for when you need wind protection and maximum versatility. The lightweight but warm materials and the Gore-Tex Infinium™ fabric on the front make this the perfect pant for warming up or for low-intensity tRaining in challenging weather conditions.
A garment with a simple cut and technical features for when you need wind protection and maximum versatility. The lightweight but warm materials and the Gore-Tex Infinium™ fabric on the front make this the perfect pant for warming up or for low-intensity training in challenging weather conditions.
Windproof pant to protect the child from the elements without compromising range of motion or the ability to ski with absolute comfort and freedom.
A high-level garment, perfect both for beginners and for experts who want to add a simple, elegant, and technical pant to their wardrobe. A garment that’s versatile and comfortable for casual wear as well.
A high-level garment, perfect both for beginners and for experts who want to add a simple, elegant, and technical pant to their wardrobe. A garment that’s versatile and comfortable for casual wear as well.
Essential, like basic aerobic exercise. Made of printed micro-textured fabric, the garment is designed to be lightweight, breathable, and quick drying. The essential garment for tRaining and running in the summer.
Made with seamless technology. Made using Dryarn®, with a unique technique that can vary the texture and construction in different areas of the garment. Ensures excellent moisture management as well as support and softness against the skin. Short-sleeve version.
Made with seamless technology. Made using Dryarn®, with a unique technique that can vary the texture and construction in different areas of the garment. Ensures excellent moisture management as well as support and softness against the skin. Long-sleeve version.
A highly technical base layer in Sportful’s proprietary ThermoDrytex fabric. You’ll recognize it by its characteristic ribbed structure, which generates increased thermal insulation without compromising breathability. A garment that is warm but suitable for high-intensity physical activity. Short-sleeve version.
The lightest base layer in our collection. An almost summer weight that still provides a good degree of warmth on the skin. Stretchy for a close fit. Long-sleeve version.
A highly technical base layer in Sportful’s proprietary ThermoDrytex fabric. You’ll recognize it by its characteristic ribbed structure, which generates increased thermal insulation without compromising breathability. A garment that is warm but suitable for high-intensity physical activity. Long-sleeve version with front zip.
The lightest base layer in our collection. An almost summer weight that still provides a good degree of warmth on the skin. Stretchy for a close fit. Long-sleeve version with high neck.
The lightest base layer in our collection. An almost summer weight that still provides a good degree of warmth on the skin. Stretchy for a close fit. Long-sleeve version with high neck.
Highly technical base-layer tight in Sportful’s proprietary ThermoDrytex fabric. You’ll recognize it by its characteristic ribbed structure, which generates increased thermal insulation without compromising breathability. A garment that is warm but suitable for high-intensity physical activity.
Made with seamless technology. Made using Dryarn®, with a unique technique that can vary the texture and construction in different areas of the garment. Ensures excellent moisture management as well as support and softness against the skin. Short-sleeve version.
Made with seamless technology. Made using Dryarn®, with a unique technique that can vary the texture and construction in different areas of the garment. Ensures excellent moisture management as well as muscle support on the thighs and softness against the skin.
A Thermore® insulated jacket for before and after the race, also suitable for warming up or light training when it’s very cold. Thanks to the three-layer insulated construction, it’s the warmest garment in the Performance collection.
A lightweight glove without a membrane for intense racing and warm days. It has a silicone-printed palm for grip, provides light insulation from the elements, and offers maximum breathability thanks to the characteristics of the Lycra®.
Made with seamless technology. Made using Dryarn®, with a unique technique that can vary the texture and construction in different areas of the garment. Ensures excellent moisture management as well as support and softness against the skin. Long-sleeve version.