気温が下がってくる季節に最高の温もりを届けてくれる。前面には防風・防水のGORE-TEX INFINIUM、そしてスポーツフルが10年の歳月をかけて開発した撥水力のあるNoRain素材を背面に採用。雨から体を守り、起毛生地で最適な温度を保ち続けます。
フィット: タイト
¥26,400 ¥15,840
セール 40% - Extra 10
- 防風・耐水性を誇るゴアテックスインフィニウム™を前面に、透湿性に優れたノーレインを背面に採用。
- 雨がポケットに溜まらないよう、水抜き用の穴あきが付いている。
- 襟、袖口、テール素材に撥水加工を施した生地。
- ロード

1 レビュー
Excited about my new purchase!
I just added the Fiandre Medium to my collection this year, and although I have only worn it once, i already know it is going to be used a LOT. The jacket breathes SO WELL because of the fabric choice on the back but kept me toasty. There is nothing quite as satisfying as going out for a cold ride (grumble grumble) and nailing your apparel choice so that you are perfectly comfortable. I'm excited to see the temperature range it is capable of performing in.
Excited about my new purchase!
I just added the Fiandre Medium to my collection this year, and although I have only worn it once, i already know it is going to be used a LOT. The jacket breathes SO WELL because of the fabric choice on the back but kept me toasty. There is nothing quite as satisfying as going out for a cold ride (grumble grumble) and nailing your apparel choice so that you are perfectly comfortable. I'm excited to see the temperature range it is capable of performing in.