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バイアスロンチャンピオンのドロテア・ウィーラーと共同でデザインされた、スポーツフルのクロスカントリースキー用レーシングジャージ。 機能性の高いディテールへのこだわりとユニークなデザインを持つスキー用ジャージは、高強度でも最高の着心地と唯一無二のスタイルを求めるすべてのアスリートに最適です。
Doro Jerseyはレギュラーフィットのスキージャージで、トレーニング時のメインレイヤーとしても、寒い季節のアンダーウェアとしても最適です。
Apex Jerseyは、世界トップクラスのクロスカントリースキーヤーとともに歩んできた長年の経験をもとに開発された、コレクションの中でも最も機能性が高く、人間工学的に優れたスキージャージです。
レギュラーフィットで着心地が快適な、高強度なアクティビティやトレーニングに最適なモダンスタイルのジャージ。 好きなスタイルを諦めることなく、本格的にトレイルに取り組みたい人向け。
Tailored to meet the needs of those who want to face cross-country skiing combining style and highly technical fabrics. This jersey provides perfect thermal balance at low temperatures and it can be worn alone or over a very light base layer. In case of extreme conditions it's perfect under our Xplore Thermal Vest
Essential, like basic aerobic exercise. Made of woven fabric that combines thermal protection and breathability, promoting airflow inside the garment. It’s the perfect garment for aerobic activity in the spring and fall, or in winter, depending on the intensity. The front zip and thumbholes at the wrists complete a comfortable and practical garment.
Designed for the PyeongChang Olympics in collaboration with the Italian national team, this jersey is the upper part of Sportful’s most extreme race suit. Combining breathability and thermoregulation with muscle support and comfort, it’s the perfect choice for the competitive athlete who prefers a two-piece suit.
The most versatile racing jersey in the collection, thanks to a more generous fit and moderate insulation. Suitable for various levels of intensity of activity in tRaining or racing, or for those who want a garment that is highly technical but not extreme.
Essential, like basic aerobic exercise. Made of printed micro-textured fabric, the garment is designed to be lightweight, breathable, and quick drying. The essential garment for tRaining and running in the summer.
Designed in collaboration with our main athletes, this jersey is the upper part of Sportful’s most extreme race suit. Combining breathability and thermoregulation with muscle support and comfort, it’s the perfect choice for the competitive athlete who prefers a two-piece suit.
A jersey for high-intensity activity and training, with a regular, comfortable fit for a modern look. For those who want to get serious on the trail without giving up their style.