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141 個の商品が見つかりました
強度の高いウインタースポーツに対応する軽量防風ジャケット。前身頃、脇、袖、肩にGore-Tex Infinium™ Windstopper®を、背面には通気性の高い透湿素材を使用。あらゆるコンディションでハードにスキーをする人のニーズに応え、動きやすさを追求した一着。
An essential waterproof jacket to make sure that the rain, wind, or snow won’t stop your adventure and so you’ll be free to explore. In any conditions.
ハードなトレーニングを快適に行うために生み出された高機能ベスト。GORE-TEX INFINIUM™ファブリックにより優れた防風性を発揮。背面の薄手の生地は通気性を向上させるようデザインされている。
The jacket designed with our World Cup athletes. It’s use? On the race course, to keep warm until the start, while preparing gear, or when warming up. Or for tRaining in very cold weather. Or for medium-length and long outings when the intensity isn’t always extremely high.
A lightweight windproof jacket for high-intensity activity. Gore-Tex Infinium™ Windstopper® on the front, sides, sleeves, and shoulders and breathable on the back. Full freedom of movement for a garment that protects against the elements while meeting the needs of those who ski hard in any conditions.
Engading is a jacket designed for first-time approach into the cross-country skiing world. The front is made in WR tratment that gives soft and windproof fabric in the front part and in the sleeves for excellent thermal insulation. Breathable fabric in the underarm and back for breathability. It is a very comfortable garment with a soft fit and modern and dynamic shapes. Also perfect for those looking for a coverall that can be used in very cold temperatures
A Thermore® insulated jacket for before and after the race, also suitable for warming up or light training when it’s very cold. Thanks to the three-layer insulated construction, it’s the warmest garment in the Performance collection.
Cardio W Jacket is our lightweight windproof solution. Thanks to the WR treatment on the front panel it keeps the body warm and dry during the training sessions. Pair it with the Cardio Tight to be protected against cold air in shulder seasons or during the hotter winter days.
Cardio W Vest is our lightweight vest to be protected from windchill during mid-season training session. It's made of breathable stretch fabric on back and a windproof one on the front.
A vest in Gore-Tex Infinium™ suitable for the most diverse racing situations. Wear it over a racing suit when competing in the coldest and windiest conditions, or as a second layer for warming up for top-level athletes. You’ll find yourself putting it in your bag every time: once on the race course, you’ll see how useful it can be on that specific occasion.
The new Apex Jacket got improved in the wearability and weight of the fabrics. Great to warm up or train in very cold temperatures, the lightweight outer fabric protects against wind and snow, while the POLARTEC® ALPHA® DIRECT technology guarantees perfect thermal regulation. To improve breathability a lighter fabric is used in the areas subjects to overheating and moisture.
A Thermore® insulated jacket for before and after the race, also suitable for warming up or training when it’s very cold. Thanks to the three-layer insulated construction, it’s the warmest garment in the Performance collection.