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見た目はリラックスしたデザインながら、本格的なアウトドア性能を備えたパンツ。 ソフトで通気性の高い素材が快適な履き心地を提供 撥水加工により、悪天候でもドライな状態をキープ オフトレイルでの冒険に最適な設計 快適さと機能性を両立し、アウトドアでもタウンユースでも活躍する一着。
A soft and breathable water-repellent pant for the best off-trail adventures
Designed for the PyeongChang Olympics in collaboration with the Italian national team, this jersey is the upper part of Sportful’s most extreme race suit. Combining breathability and thermoregulation with muscle support and comfort, it’s the perfect choice for the competitive athlete who prefers a two-piece suit.
平昌オリンピックのためにイタリア代表チームと共同開発された、究極のレース仕様タイツ。 スポーツフル史上最もハイスペックなレーススーツのボトム部分を単体で採用。 優れた通気性 & 体温調整機能で、ハードなレース環境でも快適さをキープ 筋肉サポート & 高いフィット感で、最大限のパフォーマンスを発揮 ワンピーススーツではなく、セパレートを好むアスリートに最適な選択肢 競技志向のアスリートのために設計された、究極のエアロダイナミックタイツ。
Designed for the PyeongChang Olympics in collaboration with the Italian national team, this tight is the lower part of Sportful’s most extreme race suit. Combining breathability and thermoregulation with muscle support and comfort, it’s the perfect choice for the competitive athlete who prefers a two-piece suit.
The most versatile racing jersey in the collection, thanks to a more generous fit and moderate insulation. Suitable for various levels of intensity of activity in tRaining or racing, or for those who want a garment that is highly technical but not extreme.
The suit for tRaining or racing, for future champions. The same construction as the adult version, with the main body and sleeves in printed polyester, the best fabric for warmth and thermoregulation. The side panels in lightweight fabric help eliminate excess moisture.
The most versatile racing tight in the collection, thanks to a more generous fit and moderate insulation. Suitable for various levels of intensity of activity in tRaining or racing, or for those who want a garment that is highly technical but not extreme.
The suit for tRaining or racing, for future champions. The same construction as the adult version, adapted to a child’s anatomy.
強度の高いウインタースポーツに対応する軽量防風ジャケット。前身頃、脇、袖、肩にGore-Tex Infinium™ Windstopper®を、背面には通気性の高い透湿素材を使用。あらゆるコンディションでハードにスキーをする人のニーズに応え、動きやすさを追求した一着。
A lightweight windproof jacket for high-intensity activity. Gore-Tex Infinium™ Windstopper® on the front, sides, sleeves, and shoulders and breathable on the back. Full freedom of movement for a garment that protects against the elements while meeting the needs of those who ski hard in any conditions.
Comfortable windproof jacket for training, to keep young skiers warm when the activity isn’t intense or on warmer days. Simple construction, thermal comfort, and light weight for an essential garment.
The pant designed with our World Cup athletes. It’s use? On the race course, to keep warm until the start, while preparing gear, or when warming up. Or in tRaining when it’s extremely cold. The comfort and wind protection of Gore-Tex Infinium™, combined with full freedom of movement ensured by a Cloud fit that is compatible with different types of boots, thanks to the side zips on the lower legs.