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Cross-Country Skiing Clothing
157 Products found
Pant in Gore-Tex Infinium™ Windstopper® to protect the child from the elements without compromising range of motion or the ability to ski with absolute comfort and freedom.
A garment with a simple cut and technical features for when you need wind protection and maximum versatility. The lightweight but warm materials and the Gore-Tex Infinium™ fabric on the front make this the perfect pant for warming up or for low-intensity tRaining in challenging weather conditions.
A garment with a simple cut and technical features for when you need wind protection and maximum versatility. The lightweight but warm materials and the Gore-Tex Infinium™ fabric on the front make this the perfect pant for warming up or for low-intensity training in challenging weather conditions.
Windproof pant to protect the child from the elements without compromising range of motion or the ability to ski with absolute comfort and freedom.
A high-level garment, perfect both for beginners and for experts who want to add a simple, elegant, and technical pant to their wardrobe. A garment that’s versatile and comfortable for casual wear as well.
A high-level garment, perfect both for beginners and for experts who want to add a simple, elegant, and technical pant to their wardrobe. A garment that’s versatile and comfortable for casual wear as well.
Essential, like basic aerobic exercise. Made of printed micro-textured fabric, the garment is designed to be lightweight, breathable, and quick drying. The essential garment for tRaining and running in the summer.
Made with seamless technology. Made using Dryarn®, with a unique technique that can vary the texture and construction in different areas of the garment. Ensures excellent moisture management as well as support and softness against the skin. Short-sleeve version.
Made with seamless technology. Made using Dryarn®, with a unique technique that can vary the texture and construction in different areas of the garment. Ensures excellent moisture management as well as support and softness against the skin. Long-sleeve version.
A highly technical base layer in Sportful’s proprietary ThermoDrytex fabric. You’ll recognize it by its characteristic ribbed structure, which generates increased thermal insulation without compromising breathability. A garment that is warm but suitable for high-intensity physical activity. Short-sleeve version.
The lightest base layer in our collection. An almost summer weight that still provides a good degree of warmth on the skin. Stretchy for a close fit. Long-sleeve version.
A highly technical base layer in Sportful’s proprietary ThermoDrytex fabric. You’ll recognize it by its characteristic ribbed structure, which generates increased thermal insulation without compromising breathability. A garment that is warm but suitable for high-intensity physical activity. Long-sleeve version with front zip.
The lightest base layer in our collection. An almost summer weight that still provides a good degree of warmth on the skin. Stretchy for a close fit. Long-sleeve version with high neck.
The lightest base layer in our collection. An almost summer weight that still provides a good degree of warmth on the skin. Stretchy for a close fit. Long-sleeve version with high neck.
Highly technical base-layer tight in Sportful’s proprietary ThermoDrytex fabric. You’ll recognize it by its characteristic ribbed structure, which generates increased thermal insulation without compromising breathability. A garment that is warm but suitable for high-intensity physical activity.
Made with seamless technology. Made using Dryarn®, with a unique technique that can vary the texture and construction in different areas of the garment. Ensures excellent moisture management as well as support and softness against the skin. Long-sleeve version.
A Thermore® insulated jacket for before and after the race, also suitable for warming up or light training when it’s very cold. Thanks to the three-layer insulated construction, it’s the warmest garment in the Performance collection.
Excellent fit, breathability, and temperature management thanks to the brushed stretch fabric.
Double-layer cap with an inside lining for good protection from the elements and excellent moisture management during physical activity.