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Xplore Collection
Our collection of the most specialist winter snow clothing designed for your outings on the snow
10 Products found
Xplore Thermal is the technical jacket made for adventuring on the snow with or without skis. Made for high intensity training at low temperatures during the colder seasons. The Thermore Ecodown padding protects from the cold, while the inserts on the sides and underarms, help regulate overheating during efforts.
Tailored to meet the needs of those who want to face cross-country skiing combining style and highly technical fabrics. This jersey provides perfect thermal balance at low temperatures and it can be worn alone or over a very light base layer. In case of extreme conditions it's perfect under our Xplore Thermal Vest
Tailored to meet the needs of those who want to face cross-country skiing combining style and highly technical fabrics. This jersey provides perfect thermal balance at low temperatures and it can be worn alone or over a very light base layer. In case of extreme conditions it's perfect under our Xplore Thermal Vest
A soft and breathable water-repellent pant for the best off-trail adventures
A soft and breathable water-repellent pant for the best off-trail adventures
The Xplore Thermal Vest is the best solution for uncertain temperatures and bad weather. The gilet is a quick garment to wear to protect the body from the elements while keeping the arms free for movement. It is extremely compactable and can be easily stored inside a hip pack thanks to a very light fabric and a soft filling.
The Xplore Thermal W Vest is the best solution for uncertain temperatures and bad weather. The gilet is a quick garment to wear to protect the body from the elements while keeping the arms free for movement. It is extremely compactable and can be easily stored inside a hip pack thanks to a very light fabric and a soft filling.
Water-repellent and insulated thermal vest for a variety of activities, from backcountry skiing to everyday wear. Casual style and highly technical features for a versatile extra layer when you need one.
An essential waterproof jacket to make sure that the rain, wind, or snow won’t stop your adventure and so you’ll be free to explore. In any conditions.
Xplore Thermal is the technical jacket made for adventuring on the snow with or without skis. Made for high intensity training at low temperatures during the colder seasons. The Thermore Ecodown padding protects from the cold, while the inserts on the sides and underarms, help regulate overheating during efforts.