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Women's Cycling Clothing
The best cycling clothing for your cycling adventures
219 Products found
A merino wool sock that offers excellent thermal isulation in cold temperatures without feeling too hot in milder temperatures.
The SRK Cap is a cycling underhelmet to keep you warm and cozy while winter riding in your SRK outfit. The brushed fabric used ensures maximum heat retention and is comfortable on the skin even in case of excessive sweat.
The SRK Headband is a great alternative to the SRK cap, providing better wearability with a pony tail or long hair in general. The brushed fabric used ensures maximum heat retention and is comfortable on the skin even in case of excessive sweat.
The SRK Headband is a great alternative to the SRK cap, providing better wearability with a pony tail or long hair in general. The brushed fabric used ensures maximum heat retention and is comfortable on the skin even in case of excessive sweat.
A jacket for racing in the worst weather conditions. Polartec® Neoshell® fabric and minimal taped seams mean maximum protection combined with breathability and surprising stretch. When you prepare for the worst, you need to expect the best.
Jersey to jacket is such a big step in variable weather! We developed the Fiandre Light lineup to offer an option that protect you from windchill and temperature's drops without being clumsy in any ways.
Jersey to jacket is such a big step in variable weather! We developed the Fiandre Light lineup to offer an option that protect you from windchill and sudden temperature's drops without being clumsy in any ways.
A lightweight jacket with a wind- and light rain-resistant fabric on the front and a highly breathable fabric on the back. Versatile and ready for a wide range of conditions depending on the base layer you use with it.
A lightweight short-sleeved jacket with a wind- and light rain-resistant fabric on the front and a highly breathable fabric on the back. Versatile and ready for a wide range of conditions depending on the base layer you use with it.
A winter jacket enhanced by features specific to off-road riding, with increased pocket capacity and excellent warmth for the intensity of gravel riding.
A water-repellent, insulated short-sleeve thermal jacket for use in the coldest races or endurance events when you ride at night or in extreme conditions. The short sleeves make it versatile. You can also use it during breaks or at night while sleeping. Paired with a water-repellent arm warmer, it offers full coverage and protection.
We made this windproof jacket with a specific idea in mind: making it as lightweight and packable as possible.
A compactable jacket to always carry with you. Windproof, water-repellent: the all-rounder that keeps you from being caught unprepared.
The most compactable rain jacket in the collection. For maximum rain protection with minimum weight. Light, compactable and with a very close fit.
A long-sleeve thermal jersey that’s perfect for gravel riding, thanks to the extra back pockets. With a touch of style so you’ll stand out off-road as well.
A casual-style jersey with cycling-specific details. For those who need a versatile product for riding and for breaks, which are an equally important part of the gravel experience.
Total Comfort returns in an updated winter version with new, improved details like the reflective elements at the leg endings and bib straps that allow for use by riders of varying heights.
Winter trousers that offer maximum protection from the cold and breathability by using different materials based on the degree of exposure to weather conditions. The elasticity of the fabrics and the ergonomic cuts ensure freedom of movement and an optimal fit.