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![Men's Collection Men's Collection](https://sportful.kleecks-cdn.com/medias/01-MAN.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyNTcwMDd8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xhRGRpTDJnMFpDODVORFkzTmpjM01ERTJNRGswTHpBeFgwMUJUaTVxY0djfDU4OWQ2MGI0NzM5ZjQ2OTQzMzExZTc4YTgxOTVhMTA0MjU2ZTUyOWQ4YWFiMjAxMDA0NmZiZjI1OTFhMzI0OWI)
![Women's Collection Women's Collection](https://sportful.kleecks-cdn.com/medias/02-WOMAN.jpg?context=bWFzdGVyfGltYWdlc3wyMzU5NDZ8aW1hZ2UvanBlZ3xhR0poTDJnMFl5ODVORFkzTmpjM01EZ3hOak13THpBeVgxZFBUVUZPTG1wd1p3fDFlZGFiNTE2OTkzNDk0ODJlMGY5YzlkODIyZGFkOTQ2Mzk1NGYwN2MyMWM0OGU5ZGY3YjliN2RlYWI3YTU2YTA)
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Squadra Collection
Our collection of the most technical cross-country ski garments designed for the most extreme performances
33 Products found
A thermal shirt for skiing with a trim yet comfortable fit, featuring a moderate weight for maximum versatility. To be worn over thermal underwear on fair-weather days and under a ski vest or jacket in colder temperatures.
A jersey for high-intensity activity and training, with a regular, comfortable fit for a modern look. For those who want to get serious on the trail without giving up their style.
The most versatile racing tight in the collection, thanks to a more generous fit and moderate insulation. Suitable for various levels of intensity of activity in training or racing, or for those who want a garment that is highly technical but not extreme.
A printed polyester tight that combines warmth and stretch for great versatility in use, from racing to training.
A garment with a simple cut and technical features for when you need wind protection and maximum versatility. The lightweight but warm materials and the Gore-Tex Infinium™ fabric on the front make this the perfect pant for warming up or for low-intensity training in challenging weather conditions.
Race cap made with stretch fabric and lined for increased protection, enabling use even in colder temperatures.
Race cap made with stretch fabric and lined for increased protection, enabling use even in colder temperatures.
Mid-weight headband to keep your forehead and ears warm during physical activity.
Comfortable windproof jacket for training, to keep young skiers warm when the activity isn’t intense or on warmer days. Simple construction, thermal comfort, and light weight for an essential garment.
Race cap made with stretch fabric and lined for increased protection, enabling use even in colder temperatures.
The suit for training or racing, for future champions. The same construction as the adult version, adapted to a child’s anatomy.
Windproof pant to protect the child from the elements without compromising range of motion or the ability to ski with absolute comfort and freedom.
A jersey for high-intensity activity and training, with a regular, comfortable fit for a modern look. For those who want to get serious on the trail without giving up their style.
The most versatile racing jersey in the collection, thanks to a more generous fit and moderate insulation. Suitable for various levels of intensity of activity in training or racing, or for those who want a garment that is highly technical but not extreme.
The most versatile racing tight in the collection, thanks to a more generous fit and moderate insulation. Suitable for various levels of intensity of activity in training or racing, or for those who want a garment that is highly technical but not extreme.
The most versatile racing jersey in the collection, thanks to a more generous fit and moderate insulation. Suitable for various levels of intensity of activity in tRaining or racing, or for those who want a garment that is highly technical but not extreme.
The most versatile racing jersey in the collection, thanks to a more generous fit and moderate insulation. Suitable for various levels of intensity of activity in tRaining or racing, or for those who want a garment that is highly technical but not extreme.
The suit for training or racing, for future champions. The same construction as the adult version, with the main body and sleeves in printed polyester, the best fabric for warmth and thermoregulation. The side panels in lightweight fabric help eliminate excess moisture.
The suit for tRaining or racing, for future champions. The same construction as the adult version, with the main body and sleeves in printed polyester, the best fabric for warmth and thermoregulation. The side panels in lightweight fabric help eliminate excess moisture.
The most versatile racing tight in the collection, thanks to a more generous fit and moderate insulation. Suitable for various levels of intensity of activity in tRaining or racing, or for those who want a garment that is highly technical but not extreme.
The suit for tRaining or racing, for future champions. The same construction as the adult version, adapted to a child’s anatomy.